Wednesday, February 15, 2006

There's no such thing called friend in this world

when you walk your day alone,
or your friend can't be there for you
instead of getting mad on them
and judge the world that there's no such thing called friend,

you may want to try another way
you may want to say some prayer for them

may be they get some troubles,
may be they get to do something,
may be they are in need of your help,
and some times, may be they just want to be alone.

there's no such thing called friend in this world.
that is true,
for friend is not a thing.


At 2:09 AM, Blogger golas said...

Judulnya kejam sekali, ra. Hehehehe...
Sebenernya kalo 'friend' itu banyak.
Tapi kalo true friend itu yang sulit (atau mungkin nggak akan pernah ada).

Yah, at least we still have God as our friend in this world...
ya toh? toh...

(Gw sok berfilosofi ginih...)

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

A friend in need is a friend indeed...

Tul ga ya nulisnya??

Btw, biarpun lo ngerasa ga ada yang peduli sama lo di dunia ini, masih ada Tuhan yang sayang banget ama lo Ra. Selaen itu juga masih banyak temen lo yang memperhatikan lo walopun semuanya ga ada di sisi lo.

Jadi, buka mata, buka hati n pasang senyum.... Tuhan ga pernah memberikan kesusahan lebih dari yang bisa kita tanggung Ra...

Be strong sis...

Ira add blog gue juga donk di

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Ricardo Gomes Lumbantoruan said...

Otakusut benar... seram nih judulnya!
Btw, aku masih menganggap teman sebagai teman. Masih memanggilnya 'teman', meskipun mereka tak melakukan apa-apa buatku... How're you doing pal?


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