Thursday, September 28, 2006

Call Me Sweeper!

Pernah nonton serial TV Pretender? Itu loh.. Serial TV yang setiap episodenya selalu aja ada kalimat 'There are pretenders among us. Geniuses with ability to become anyone they want to be..' Itu loh.. Serial TV yang berlangsung selama 4 season dan season ke-4-nya belum keluar di Vertex sampe sekarang.

"Can I take your order?"
"Pretender, 4th season, please."
"yes, please."
"err.. no, not that one, home edition, please..."

Istilah sweeper dalam film ini ditujukan buat orang-orang yang memperlancar jalannya kegiatan suatu organisasi dengan cara membersihkan pemandangan-pemandangan yang gak enak diliat buat organisasi itu, seperti pengkhianat organisasi dan orang-orang yang sudah tidak diperlukan bagi organisasi.

Trus kenapa judul postingan ini kaya gitu, Ra?
Iya, sebenernya kalo malam part-time jadi sweeper gitu.. [halah!]

Ga, jadi gini.. Dulu si Anna pernah naro tugas penting di desktop kompie. Lupa itu tugas PPL, MPPL, progin, grafika, jarkom ato SBD, yang pasti semester 2 tahun ajaran 2005/2006. Habis itu, mata dan tangan kena penyakit gatel-gatel [mau dibawa ke mana postingan kali ini, jeng???].

Mata gatel ngeliat desktop yang dihinggapi file orang. Tangan bergerak, membersihkan desktop: DELETE. Ga cukup, sodara-sodara! Mata gatel liat tanda ada sampah di recycle bin. Tangan bergerak, membersihkan recycle bin: EMPTY RECYCLE BIN. Click.

Met ngerjain lagi, Na!!!

Itu semester lalu. Tak akan aku ulangi kesalahan yang sama, janjiku waktu itu. Akan kuperiksa semua yang pengen dihapus sebelum bener-bener dihapus, ikrarku waktu itu.

Tapi seorang Ndan pernah berkata JTJ****, Janji Tinggal Janji ***** **** ***** ***** (bagian berbintang dihilangkan karena tidak relevan dengan isi posting. Pembaca yang penasaran dapat menghubungi CP slogan: Arie Karhendana <13503092> )

Kemarin lalu lalu lalu lalu...
temen dateng ke kos...
dengan mata berbinar-binar...
dan hati berharap...
bisa menemukan beberapa dokumen microsoft word...

ga ada.

tetep ga ada.

diliat-liat lagi...
dicari-cari sekali lagi...
akhirnya kami sampai pada satu kesimpulan:

dia (temen) harus membuat ulang dokumen PROPOSAL TA-nya.

Berikut kira-kira percakapan pasca shock-krn-proposal-TA-ga-ada:
"Maaph ya... gw pikir yang di My Documents itu uda ga kepake semua, jadi gw bersiin"
"... yang di recycle bin?"
"Uda gw bersiin juga..."

"lu masi inget kan apa-apa aja yang lu bahas di proposal?"
"iya,tapi kan sayang. Kalo ada soft copy-nya kan tinggal copy-paste, lumayan ngisi2 bab TA."
"Hard copynya ada di dosen lu kan? Uda dikumpulin kan?"
"Udah si.." [teman saya jurusan XX yang kuliah proposal TA-nya di semester genap tingkat 3]
"kalo gitu pinjem aja, ntar ketik lagi, paling banter 6 halaman" [berpegang pada kuliah IF40Z1, ceramah bu Henny di Senin sore edisi penyusunan proposal]

"Emmm.. bab teori dasar proposal TA gw aja 6 halaman, mungkin lebih...."

---- Hmm.. hmm.. call me sweeper!

home edition: yg di-burn di rumah.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Colored People

.blHehehe.. lg jadi tipe blogger yang CTRL C + CTRL V ni... Yang dicopy di bawah ini lagu dari DC Talk. Habis baca blog Tanoto yang judulnya Perbedaan, jadi inget lagu ini. Oia, DC Talk ini yang nyanyi lagu "It's The End of The World as We Know It". Itu loh.. lagu di film Chicken Little, pas gerombolan alien dateng minta anaknya balik..


Pardon me, your epidermis is showing, sir
I couldn't help but note your shade of melanin
I tip my hat to the colorful arrangement
Cause I see the beauty in the tones of our skin
We've gotta come together
And thank the Maker of us all

We're colored people, and we live in a tainted place
We're colored people, and they call us the human race
We've got a history so full of mistakes
And we are colored people who depend on a Holy Grace

A piece of canvas is only the beginning for
It takes on character with every loving stroke
This thing of beauty is the passion of an
Artist's heart By God's design, we are a skin kaleidoscope

Ignorance has wronged some races
And vengeance is the Lord's
If we aspire to share this space
Repentance is the cure

We're colored people, and we live in a tainted place
We're colored people, and they call us the human race
We've got a history so full of mistakes
And we are colored people who depend on a Holy Grace

Well, just a day in the shoes of a color blind man
Should make it easy for you to see
That these diverse tones do more than cover our bones
As a part of our anatomy

We're colored people, and they call us the human race
We're colored people, and we all gotta share this space
We're colored people, and we live in a tainted world
We're colored people, every man, woman, boy, and girl

From the album Jesus Freak
Produced by Toby McKeehan and Mark Heimermann
Written by Toby McKeehan and George Coocchini
©1995 Up In The ix Music/Tigerback Music (BMI)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Father, I want You to hold me

by Brian Doerksen

Father, I want You to hold me
I want to rest in Your arms today
Father, I want You to show me
How much You care for me in every way

I bring all my cares
and I lay them at Your feet
You are always there
and You love me as I am
Yes, You love me as I am

Father, I know You will hold me
I know I am Your child, Your very own
Father, I know You will show me
I feel Your arms holding me, I'm not alone

I bring all my fears
and I lay them at Your feet
You are always here
and You love me as I am
Yes, You love me as I am